Download your free copy of Supersillyus’ EP Me(meta) TATRON at:
Supersillyus (Rob Uslan) will be releasing his massive double LP (two-disc) second album , Tesselations, on March 2nd. For now the naughty and silly producer has given us a free sampler EP featuring tracks from his upcoming release, a remix from his first album Grampaspaceshuttle and a bonus track. We here at LostinSound have been inspired by Supersillyus’ style and disregard for normalcy. Whether you dig dirty beats, IDM robot speak or music to the weird degree; you will undoubtedly go tribal nuts if you give Me(meta)TATRON a listen from start of finish. BOOM!
Supersillyus – “Me(meta)TATRON”
Supersillyus – “Transendental Medication (Remix by Wyatt Keusch)”
Be sure to check out my review of Supersillyus’ first album Grampaspaceshuttle here: