Chronicles of the Landsquid – Episode 4

Artwork by Ian Lippincott ( / Serial Krusher)

Chronicles of the Landsquid‘ is Lost in Sound’s monthly showcase featuring anciently inspired future music. Curated by the mystical tribe behind Pericles and Landsquid, each episode features a collection of unique psychedelic music and art from the network of connected producers, DJs, and visionaries in the southeast. With a focus on sonic ectoplasm, subsonic communication, and otherworldly adventure, CotL aspires to deliver state of the art music that transcends genres and expectations and translates into a multi-dimensional experience.


1) FLYNT Sacred Seed

2) INTRINSICA Different Path

3) DELTAnineTektite (SOULACYBIN rmx)

4) HEXClockwork

5) SevenFeather Kun Da Lin

6) SevenFeatherHidden Temple

7) PERICLESPterodactyl

8)8) LANDSQUIDAncient Camel Guide


10) IS-ISCrystal Source

[button size=medium style=less_round color=blue align=center url=]Download Episode 4 & Artwork HERE[/button]

[ Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 ]


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