[LiS] What are a few of your most important musical influences and in what way did they contribute to the Big G sound?
[Dominic] My influences are pretty broad and kinda’ range from jazz and hip hop to electronic music and classical music. All those styles, I think, seem to find their way into our sound.
From your own perspective, how is your sound evolving at this very moment?
Well, music is evolving and time is moving forward so I feel like my sound is always evolving. I’m not so sure what it’s evolving into (haha), but we’re always trying to be innovative within keeping our sound in tact. Always trying to keep it as fresh as possible within the beat, the baseline, and the melody.
What DAW do you use? Favorite free plugin?
All of the Ableton plugins that come with the DAW. I use those a lot actually.
What is the most vital piece of equipment in your studio and why?
Other than my saxophone, I would say my midi keyboard. I play most of the lines I write in my music and playing them myself (as opposed to drawing in the midi) helps me to keep the feel just the way I like it and helps keep our sound kinda’ personal.
You are filling venues across the country with thousands of fans every night. What has changed over the years to make this possible?
Growth. Musical growth and just gaining more fans. We are very blessed to be where we are at right now, and we just want to continue to work hard, stay focused, and keep trying to grow every day.
What was the most memorable collaboration performance of 2013?
Probably playing with Major Lazer at the Mad Decent Block Party last summer. Those guys are a phenomenal act, and I had a blast rockin’ it with those guys. They’re the best!
What festivals are you looking forward to the most in 2014 and why?
Coachella is gonna’ be awesome. It’s our first time playing this year and it’s two weekends. Also excited for Counterpoint in Atlanta, Spring Awakening Festival in Chicago, as well as Firefly Festival right outside of Philly.
Where do you see Big Gigantic five years from now?
Tough to say, but hopefully we are touring all over the world and continuing to grow. That’s all we can really ask for I guess 🙂
What can you tell us about what life on the road is like for Dom and Jeremy?
Life on the road is pretty hectic. Lots of things going on and lots of shows and general pandemonium (haha). We go pretty hard on the road, so we have a great time.
Do you guys have any weird habits or rituals?
If drinking whiskey and partying with a bunch of your friends is a habit then yes (haha).
If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?
Not one single thing!
Are you currently stoked?