Artist Spotlight: Cell

Cell is enigmatic French producer Alex Sheffer, a talented ambient composer from France. Signed to Ultimae Records, Aes Dana‘s label, he has the support of top ambient artists. His tracks bob like driftwood and settle into broad, circular orbits that soothe the brain. Gentle synths layer over thumping beats and build into thoughtful, dramatic soundscapes, carrying you to your happy place. The long-awaited moments of catharsis after so much introduction and evolution are satisfying and relax you even further, resolving a narrative tension in the music and helping to draw you in.

His latest release, Hanging Masses, gets a little too spacey and slow for me, however. Though neatly composed and produced, it doesn’t reach the melodic complexity or energy builds of his other stuff. It’s good for massages though. I recommend the rest of his Ketama Live release and the set below to get you started. His performances are legendary among downtempo heads, check out why..

Cell – Spinning Whale from Ketama Live

Bonus: Cell Live From Glade Festival 2005 – Landing Gear!

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