LCD Soundsystem’s new album, This is Happening, will explode onto your ear drums and trigger unlawful vibrations sequenced by your favorite prodigy of wholesome sound. James Murphy acts the part of every rock star’s wet dream in this fervent expulsion of dramatically meticulous synthesized notes that creep up on you like a spider spinning a web right above your head without you knowing. EEK!
The first time I listened, I wanted to turn it off right away. I didn’t think a track name like “Drunk Girls” was believable for any credible music. I was right as the track is clearly a Motley Crue “Girls, Girls, Girls” ripoff. However, the great thing about This is Happening is that Murphy fvcks with you in that very way, switching between his Johnny Rotten mask and David Byrne persona on different tracks, specializing in narrative song lyrics to accompany his futuristic beats.
“Dance Yourself Clean” sounds like someone electronically charged a roll of velcro and whipped it down the busiest city street you could find. My favorite track has to be “You Wanted a Hit,” 9 whole minutes of bass-kick drum followed by some of THE most glistening elements. A friend of mind said if he saw James Murphy in the street, and he was driving, he would not hesitate to hit him. I laughed pretty hard since it would be tough to miss Murphy’s ego on the street- consider how the ridiculously iconic This is Happening could add to Murphy’s already huge head! Apparently, in the words of MJ, “This is It” for LCD and Mr. Murphy as his dubiously final album… for the moment.
Pre-order your copy of This is Happening (May 18th) here:
If you haven’t heard Holy Ghost!, Murphy’s LCD break-project you should probably check them out: (features mixes w/ Phoenix, Cut Copy & Moby)
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Here’s a couple of links to sample a few tracks from This is Happening:
“Pow, Pow”: